Oracle EBS Integration as part of M&A

Oracle EBS Integration as part of M&A

As part of an acquisition, Buxton helped a high-technology company in Silicon Valley with the integration of the two companies’ Oracle EBS systems and the establishment of a clean room.

Client Profile

Industry: High Technology

Location: Silicon Valley, CA

Specialty: Networking Hardware and Software


Client acquired another public company of similar size with an Oracle EBS environment running on a newer version. The client couldn’t see the acquired company’s data or its systems until the SEC approved the merger because of the two companies were competitors. In order to complete the merger, Client’s EBS system had to be upgraded and data of the acquired company integrated.

Our Solution

Buxton helped the client setup a clean room and upgraded their EBS environment over a weekend. The first phase of the project was completed in approximately three months. We developed custom tools to rapidly migrate data. Buxton was also able to help the client with setting up the environment in a clean room and developing migration processes without accessing the data of the acquired company.

Business Impact

Buxton was able to complete the upgrade and migration over a weekend and the client was able to transact post-merger in a single EBS system three months after Day 1.

For further information on this project or to discuss a similar requirement